Saturday, December 28, 2013

World Thinking Day 2014

World Thinking Day is always held on February 22nd. This year the five focus countries are: Benin, Armenia, Bangladesh, Egypt and St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the theme is to "achieve universal primary education". Last year, I created "airline tickets" to Ireland/Jordan for my Girl Scout troop. This year, I've created tickets for all of the five focus countries and also  a ticket where I left the destination blank.  I will post a tutorial in the near future, so that these tickets can be customized for your troop. 



  1. Jen,
    I wanted to find out if you have been able to make these tickets so we can edit the date on them and the country. I would really love to use these for WTD 2015. Please let me know. Thanks.

  2. Hi Jen! what a clever idea, I love your boarding passes. Thank you for providing the blank ticket, I think they will be a HIT!!!!

    1. Thanks for the love! I wasn't able to see comments before!

  3. I love your boarding pass but do you have a template where I can put my own info and change the year in there? Thanks Holly
