Sunday, December 28, 2014

World Thinking Day 2015 Boarding Pass

Since there are no focus countries for World Thinking Day, I've created a customizable WTD Boarding Pass that you can personalize for your Girl Scouts using a program such as PicMonkey or Ribbet . 

World Thinking Day 2015

World Thinking Day is held every year on February 22.  On this day, as Girl Scouts, we try to think globally about different countries and the conditions that the girls in those countries may live in. For 2015, there are no focus countries {gasp}. Instead, the theme is "girls worldwide say 'we can create peace through partnerships'". This is based on the UN's Millennium Development Goal #8: to develop a global partnership for development. 

Big giant sigh. How can we make this relatable to our Scouts? Then I thought...OMG, these girls love chocolate and yummy coffee beverages. We can discuss places where the fair trade of coffee and cocoa are helping to eliminate child labor. 

At our next meeting, we'll ask them to research which countries have exports of fair trade cocoa and coffee. And from there they can decide which countries we will think about for World Thinking Day 2015. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

World Thinking Day 2014

World Thinking Day is always held on February 22nd. This year the five focus countries are: Benin, Armenia, Bangladesh, Egypt and St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the theme is to "achieve universal primary education". Last year, I created "airline tickets" to Ireland/Jordan for my Girl Scout troop. This year, I've created tickets for all of the five focus countries and also  a ticket where I left the destination blank.  I will post a tutorial in the near future, so that these tickets can be customized for your troop. 


Friday, February 22, 2013

World Thinking Day 2013

Today is February 22, World Thinking Day. Today girls honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by taking time to give thanks for their international friendships and remember that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of nearly 150 countries that are members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The focus countries this year are: Jordan, Malawi, Pakistan, Republic of Ireland and Venezuela. This year's theme is "together we can save children's lives".

Our troop chose to "travel" to Jordan and Ireland.
*ignore the wrong date on the boarding pass - that's the day we met and celebrated!

All Girl Scouts got a boarding pass and away we went!

We made SWAPS (Special Whacahamacalits Pinned Affectionately Somewhere) for each country:

The ideas were found on the Making Friends website:

Making Friends also had these great passport Fact Cards:

The girls sampled pita chips, taboule and hummus. The pita chips were a big hit!

They washed it down with a cup of Irish Breakfast tea...

Our Girl Scouts learned a lot about Jordan and Ireland!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Service Projects

Service projects aren't just for the "scouting year".  Summer is a great time to gather "on sale" school supplies.  School supply sales are in high gear now and it's the perfect time to collect supplies for those children who can't supply them for themselves.